Giving to the Lord
and His Kingdom work

You can PayNow to Maranatha Christian Assembly (UEN: S90SS0017H) or scan QR code on the left. You may type "Tithes", "Missions" or "Building Fund" in the “Reference” field.
请点击PayNow 到 Maranatha Christian Assembly(UEN: S90SS0017H)或扫描左边的二维码。
You may choose to give via online banking. Details are below:
DBS Current Account: 015-022512-2
You may type "Tithes", "Missions" or "Building Fund" as your “Reference” field.
DBS Current Account: 015-022512-2
什一 奉献,宣教基金,建堂基金,或爱心奉献。
You may drop your cash into the offering box at the service hall exits. You may also fill up the fields on the offering envelops (available from the entrance) and drop the envelope into the offering box
If you are writing a cheque please make checks payable to 'Maranatha Christian Assembly'.
。填写信封上的空格 (信封在入口处)
。如果您要写支票,请在支票上注明 “Maranatha Christian Assembly”